Homo Novus
Homo Novus >> https://tlniurl.com/2tkDmc
Novus homo or homo novus (Latin for 'new man'; plural: novi homines or homines novi) was the term in ancient Rome for a man who was the first in his family to serve in the Roman Senate or, more specifically, to be elected as consul. When a man entered public life on an unprecedented scale for a high communal office, then the term used was novus civis (plural: novi cives) or \"new citizen\".[1]
In the Early Republic, tradition held that both Senate membership and the consulship were restricted to patricians. When plebeians gained the right to this office during the Conflict of the Orders, all newly elected plebeians were naturally novi homines. With time, novi homines became progressively rarer as some plebeian families became as entrenched in the Senate as their patrician colleagues. By the time of the First Punic War, it was already a sensation that novi homines were elected in two consecutive years (Gaius Fundanius Fundulus in 243 BC and Gaius Lutatius Catulus in 242 BC). In 63 BC, Cicero became the first novus homo in more than thirty years.[2]
The literary theme of homo novus, or \"how the lowly born but inherently worthy man may properly rise to eminence in the world\" was the topos of Seneca's influential Epistle XLIV.[4] At the endpoint of Late Antiquity, it was likewise a subject in Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy (iii, vi). In the Middle Ages Dante's Convivio (book IV) and Petrarch's De remediis utriusque fortunae (I.16; II.5) take up the subject, and Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Tale.
There is no ancient definition of the term homo novus. Modern scholars have tried to explain homo novus as the opposite of the concept nobilis, though this dichotomy has been disputed. Nevertheless, an understanding of what nobilis may have meant to republican Romans (see Nobilis in Modern Scholarship) will prove useful for understanding the meaning of homo novus (see Defining Homo Novus).
Homo sapiens novus (new wise man) is the standard Scientific classification designation for novas, joining Homo sapiens idaltu, Homo sapiens sapiens (and later, Homo sapiens mentis) under the Homo sapiens banner.
It's unknown if other eximorphs apply under this designation. By the time of Trinity, Aberrants may be so different from humanity that they are considered a separate species altogether. Perhaps simply Homo novus.
hosted by the homo novus festival in Riga, Latvia, for 5 days in June 2022 as part of the ACT Lab, we listened, watched, grieved + explored. we moved through the watery landscape of Kemeri National Park taking lessons from its forests, fens + mires, lessons from its sulphur springs + peat bogs.
A similar theme was dealt with in the opera Unknown Unknown, a collaboration involving the British composer Oliver Christophe Leith, the Latvian director Viesturs Meikšāns and the German playwright Kornelius Paede. The work reflected upon the transitional period from Anthropocene to post-Anthropocene, offering the viewer a factual, personal and artistic commentary on how civilisation has reached this turning point. The production brought together a number of aggressive video sequences of the contemporary world and long, calm images of the natural landscapes that enhanced the impression of the complex relationship between homo sapiens and nature. The script, based on the sophisticated coexistence of academic music and electronics, a live and artificial voice, interpreted our recent history with cruel irony and insight. The opera was performed in the concert hall Tu jau zini Kur on the grounds of the former car workshop in Tallinn Street which, by the way, is run by the movement Free Riga. 59ce067264